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Mustard Seed May/June 2013

Letter From the Editor

Pentecost - A Promise Kept

The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints


Essential Elements



Essential Elements


According to I 'I'imothy 2:1, there are four (4) elements of prayer. As we get a clear understanding of these elements, our prayers will become richer and more fulfilled. Let's look at these elements, they are as follows:

  1. Supplication: To beseech, to beg, to want or need.

  2. Intercession: To meet with someone to request for others, a want or need.

  3. Prayers: General prayer (praise to worship).

  4. Giving of thanks: Gratitude or grateful language.

When these elements are used separately, or in various combinations, you can talk to God with more understanding, sincerity, and be more effective (Jas. 5:16). We are always in need aren't we? But there comes a time in which we need to praise God and give thanks to him. These different elements in prayer will help increase your faith in God and in your redeemer, Christ Jesus. Christ's prayer in John 17 has all of these elements in it: Supplication, Intercession, Praise and Giving Thanks.


On another occasion in John 11:41-42 we see an example of giving of thanks. Take a few minutes and read these prayers and then come back and finish this article.


We need to approach this most important part of our lives with wisdom and understanding, being organized is a good idea. If we kept a list of people, needs, etc, that would help in our prayers. This will also help us keep a list of answers to our prayers for others. As you read some of the prayers of the Bible, (Solomon, I Kings 8:23-54, Daniel chapters 6 and 9) just look at the content, whether they are Old Testament or New Testament saints, you will see various degrees of Supplications, Praise, Intercession and Giving of Thanks.




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